Visticle | Erfolg im E-Commerce!


Powered By SaaShub

We’re constantly refining our product. Adding new features. Working to help your business grow.


Visticle Basic

Customers receive one-on-one training and professional onboarding services. Start with search and build your own custom solution or choose saashub. A communication and project management approach that emphasizes the teamwork.

Task Management

Task Management

The process of managing a task through its life cycle. It involves planning, testing, tracking.



The technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance.

Budgeting Tools

Budgeting Tools

Creating plan to spend your money, This spending planer is called a budgeting tool for business.


Visticle Plus

We’re here for you with resources, training, worksheets, webinars and more email notification. Are a way of notifying you about upcoming start or due dates on individual Tasks. A report based on the aircrew's visual observation that answers specific questions.


Team Collaboration

A communication project management approach that emphasizes teamwork.

  • Spirit Of Adventure
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Perseverance

Emails & File Syncing

We’re here for you with resources, training, worksheets, webinars.

  • User Dashboard
  • Project Lists
  • Tasks To-Do

Tasks & Remainders

Notifying you about upcoming start or due dates on individual Tasks.

  • Access Conversations
  • Saved Replies
  • Assign Conversations

Das Kolibri System

We’re here for you with resources, training, worksheets, webinars, workflows and more. Explore our comprehensive content library for best practices, workbooks for your business. Join Saashub at one of our events around the globe, or tune in online product offerings.


Marketing Automation

Trigger personalized emails based on customer actions.

  • Innovation and Excellence
  • Helping Less Fortunate
  • Building Strong Communities

Email Marketing

Send super personalized, responsive, and fully informative.

  • Live Chats
  • Reporting
  • Environmentally Friendly

Sales Messaging

Respond to customer behavior and boost calls to action.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Support Tickets
  • Team Email

Stefan Südbeck

Head of Sales

Herzlich willkommen auf unserer Website!

Ich bin Stefan Südbeck, Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner für alle Ihre Vertriebsanliegen. Als erfahrener Vertriebler mit einer Leidenschaft für den Aufbau langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen freue ich mich darauf, Ihnen bei der Erreichung Ihrer geschäftlichen Ziele zu helfen.

Zögern Sie nicht, mich zu kontaktieren, um mehr über unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu erfahren oder um Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen zu besprechen. Ich freue mich darauf, Ihre geschäftlichen Herausforderungen anzugehen und Ihnen dabei zu helfen, Ihren Erfolgsweg zu ebnen.

Nehmen Sie noch heute Kontakt auf:
Telefon: +(49) 40 228 601 910

Gemeinsam werden wir Ihre Vertriebsziele erreichen und Ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich machen!